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Intermittent, and occasionally puffed up posts and ideas by Beshr Kayali. To me, bookmarking is one of the things that has always seemed to be lacking. Guys are scared of touching it.
في خطوة رائدة من نوعها قامت قرطبة للنشر الرقمي بتطوير قارئ للكتب الإلكترونية على أجهزة الكمبيوتر العاملة بنظام ويندوز. يعتبر هذا التطبيق أحد الخطوات التي تقوم بها قرطبة على الدوام لتوفر المحتوى العربي على منصاتها بشكل سهل لكل مستخدميها وعلى كافة الأجهزة الذكية بما فيها أجهزة الكومبيوتر العاملة بنظام ويندوز.
Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0131659713
Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0131659713
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Toronto, ON, M6K 3M1
We are Hyperstamps, We are Stamps for Cyperspace! 1995 Bright Plaza, Inc.
Hyperstar replaces the secondary mirror in a Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope to provide a wide field of view at the prime focus of the primary mirror. Prime focus imaging with a field corrector like this is fairly common in large research telescopes but is only just starting to become popular with amateurs. The fast focal ratio cuts down exposure times and many deep-sky objects can be imaged quickly, even in alt-az mode.
No polar alignment, no wedge, no guiding. Deep-sky astrophotos now take seconds instead of hours! Imaging the universe has never been simpler! The Evolution of HyperStar. Starizona unveils a new HyperStar at PATS. New video tutorial or flat field images now available.